Cookie policies

Cookies Policy:

On my website soyluisalbertogomez we use cookies to improve the user experience and provide additional functionalities. By continuing to browse our site, you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser when you visit a website. These cookies contain information about your browsing and can be used to remember your preferences, track your activity on the site and personalise the content shown to you.

How do we use cookies?

Technical cookies: These are necessary for the operation of the website and allow us to provide you with the services you request, such as logging into your account or remembering your language preferences.

Analytics cookies: These help us understand how users interact with our website by collecting information about the pages they visit, the time they spend on the site and the clicks they make. This information is used to improve the user experience and optimise our website.

Social media cookies: These allow us to embed content from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram on our website. These cookies can track your browsing and are used to personalise the advertisements shown to you based on your interests.

How can you manage cookies?

You can manage cookies in your browser settings, where you can enable, disable or delete cookies according to your preferences. Please note that disabling certain cookies may affect the functionality of the site and limit your browsing experience.

Article 22.2 of the LSSI:

Article 22.2 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) states that informed consent must be obtained from users before storing or accessing information stored on their devices, such as cookies, unless these are strictly necessary for the provision of a service requested by the user.

Description of social media cookies:

Social media cookies are used by platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, among others, to track users’ online activity and deliver targeted advertising. These cookies can collect information about your browsing, such as the pages you visit and the products you search for, and are used to display relevant ads based on your interests. It is important to note that these cookies may share your information with third parties, including advertisers, and you can manage their use through the privacy settings of each social media platform.


Following the provisions of art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002. ‘Service providers may use data storage and retrieval devices on recipients‘ terminal equipment, on condition that the recipients have given their consent after having been provided with clear and complete information on their use, in particular, on the purposes of data processing, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data’.

On the soyluisalbertogomez website we have implemented a cookie consent system that allows you to accept or reject the use of unnecessary cookies when you visit our site for the first time. In addition, we provide detailed information about the type of cookies we use, their purpose and how you can manage them in our cookie policy.

It is important to note that by accepting our cookies, you are allowing us to use your browsing data to improve your experience on our site and to provide you with relevant and personalised content. However, you have full control over your data and can modify your cookie preferences at any time through your browser settings.

At soyluisalbertogomez, we are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with all applicable data protection regulations. If you have any questions or concerns about our cookies policy, please do not hesitate to contact us through the contact means available on our website.

Thank you for trusting us and for your interest in our cookie policy. We are here to provide you with a safe, transparent and personalised online experience.